Hardcopy Output (chapter 17)

If you plan to do hardcopy output, you must first (before you have produced the plot you want to output) enter the command:

enable print file-name

This enables the print command, and directs print command output to the file given. Any existing contents of this file will be lost.

Note: Any 'set rgb' commands done before the 'enable print' is issued will not be reflected in the output file.

When you have a graphic displayed that you want to print, enter the command:


This will copy the vector instructions used to create the current display into the output file in a metacode format.

You can close the output file either by quiting GrADS (quit command), or by entering:

disable print

Once the output file has been closed, the metacode commands within it must be translated to the desired format. Utilities have been provided to do this. These utilities do not run from within the GrADS command environment, you must execute them from the command line:

gxps - Translates GrADS meta files to postscript. The default GrADS rainbow colors (color numbers 2 to 14) are translated into pleasing greyscale values. User defined colors (numbers above 15) are translated to greyscale intensity based on their GREEN content only. The new version solves all conversions problems by setting options at the command line


-c		color on a WHITE background (= old gxpscw)
-r		color on a BLACK background (= old gxpsc)
-i fname	where fname is the name of the input GrADS meta file
-o name		where fname is the name of the output ps file
-d		add a ctrl-d to the end of the file, useful if printing on a HP1200C/PS color printer

The default is a b/w plot.